Mòo-Zhéh              Wóo

Muzhe Wu

Student / Researcher
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

About Me

I am currently a research assistant at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University.

My research interest lies in Human-Computer Interaction, Extended Reality and Learning Sciences. I am specifically keen on understanding and creating beyond-real interaction techniques & experiences with emergent technologies (e.g., XR, AI) that empower people. Towards this goal, I am working with Prof. David Lindlbauer on spatial computing and Prof. Hong Shen on responsible AI. I was also fortunate to be advised by Prof. Anhong Guo and Prof. Xu Wang in my undergrad, working on the AR intelligent tutor system.


  • Carnegie Mellon University
    Master of Educational Technology and Applied Learning Sciences
    Pittsburgh, PA
  • University of Michigan
    BSc in Computer Science
    Ann Arbor, MI
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Shanghai, China

Research Projects

New Ears: An Exploratory Study of Audio Interaction Techniques for Performing Search in a Virtual Reality Environment
Muzhe Wu*, Yi-Fei Cheng*, David Lindlbauer
To Appear at IEEE ISMAR 2024
ActiveAI: The Effectiveness of an Interactive Tutoring System in Developing K-12 AI Literacy
Ying-Jui Tseng, Gautam Yadav, Xinying Hou, Muzhe Wu, Yun-Shuo Chou, Claire Che Chen, Chia-Chia Wu, Shi-Gang Chen, Yi-Jo Lin, Guanze Liao, and Kenneth R. Koedinger
To Appear at ECTEL 2024
Rubikon: Intelligent Tutoring for Rubik’s Cube Learning Through AR-enabled Physical Task Reconfiguration
Muzhe Wu*, Haocheng Ren*, Gregory Croisdale, Anhong Guo, Xu Wang
Michigan AI Symposium 2022 (Best Demo )
In Submission
Learning to solve a Rubik's Cube requires the learners to repeatedly practice a skill component, e.g., identifying a misplaced square and putting it back in place. However, for 3D physical tasks such as the Rubik's Cube, generating sufficient repeated practice opportunities for learners can be challenging, in part because repeated configuration of physical objects is hard and strenuous.We propose Rubikon, an intelligent tutoring system for learning to solve the Rubik's Cube. Rubikon reduces the necessity for repeated manual configurations of the Rubik's Cube without compromising the tactile experience of handling a physical cube. The foundational design of Rubikon is an AR setup, where learners manipulate a physical cube while seeing an AR-rendered cube on the screen. This allows Rubikon to automatically generate configurations of the Rubik's Cube to target learners' weaknesses and help them exercise diverse knowledge components. A between-subjects experiment showed that learners who used Rubikon scored 25% higher on a post-test to solve the Rubik's Cube compared to baselines.


How Do You See The World
Simulate visual impairments in VR environments to educate people about these conditions and increase awareness.
Replicate the sense of co-presence in web browsing with Chrome Extension.
XR Goal Tracker
Prototype immersive XR goal tracking experience exploring concepts of personification and fading.
Enhance informal learning on Wikipedia with LLM-based instruction and assessment generation with Chrome Extension.

Other Projects

Why Antiwork: A RoBERTa-Based System for Work-Related Stress Identification and Leading Factor Analysis
Leverage a subreddit as a data source, create and train a model to detect antiwork sentiments, reveal that lack of authority, frustrating recruitment experiences, and unfair compensation are major contributors to employee dissatisfaction and antiwork sentiments.
Towards Understanding the Relationship between Misinformation and Engagement for Online Medical Videos
Examine the feasibility of computationally understanding the relationship between misinformation and engagement from different modalities in online medical videos.
Auxiliary Variables Improve Group Accuracy without Group Information
Validate the effectiveness of auxiliary variables in the first stage of the JTT/BAM algorithm resolving the spurious correlation problem with fine-grained datasets.
FAD: Feature Alignment Discriminator for Text Summarization
Building block useful in the fine-tuning process for text generators like BART, which addresses problems of discreteness in adversarial learning for NLP, better captures the word distribution, and achieves SOTA ROUGE score of abstractive text summarization in DailyMail/CNN dataset.
Retro Game API for Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning simulation API for retro games (e.g., Pokemon Gold), built on OpenAI Gym-Retro package, featuring utility classes (recorder, interactor, and dataset), vision transform classes (random cropping, random convolution, and gaussian noise) and a GUI visualizing observation space and state information.
Mask Distribution Simulator
C++ program that simulates the distribution of masks among the cities with a certain mask production capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Honors & Awards

    Carnegie Mellon University Merit Scholarship
    University of Michigan Dean's Honor List
    , , ,
    Michigan AI Symposium Best Demo Award
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University Undergraduate Excellent Scholarship
    Mathematical Contest in Modeling Meritorious Winner Prize
    University Physics Competition Silver Medal